What is Death Putt?
Death putt is a 3-6 person party putting game, requiring one practice basket, 2-3 putters per person and something to use as markers (spare discs, for example). More than 6 players may play, but there will be more downtime.
General Rules:
- Game setup: Place 10-15 “station markers” around a basket, easiest to most difficult. Station markers are objects on the ground to indicate where the player needs to putt from, similar to a player's "lie" in disc golf. This game does not come with station markers. You can use whatever you'd like for markers. I suggest using spare discs. Every player starts at the first designated station marker, and must complete all stations in order. First one to finish the last station wins. Optional: To keep the first game short, place all but the last station within C1X (within 33ft).
- Game Progression: Each player must sink 2 putts from the station they are on in order to advance to the next station. The turn continues until the player misses one of these two putts.
- Item stations: Every other station (or players choice) is an "item station". Flip the station token (disc) during game set up to indicate an item station. Upon completing the station, players may attempt 1 bonus "item putt" to draw a card from the deck. Missing an item putt does not end your turn.
- Before the game begins: Set up stations. Each player gets a random TURN card. Decide on turn order.
- Death putt: A death putt is an optional putt you can attempt at the end of your turn. If you make the putt, you progress to the next station. If you miss the putt, move back to the first station. Your turn is still over. If you make the death putt from an item station, draw a card. You may not death putt from the first station.
- Winning the game: The first player to clear the last station with a putt wins. Cards can not be used to win.
- Players are not allowed to make practice putts during the game, unless they have a card that says otherwise.
Card types:
- Legendary: Stay with you while you possess the card, providing "passive" bonuses. These bonuses can be used on any turn. You can only have 1 legendary card at a time. If you draw one with one in your hand, discard one of your choice.
- Turn: Played at the start of your turn, can only play one turn card per turn.
- Instant: Play instant cards whenever you like, unless otherwise specified on the card.
- Curse: Play curse cards as soon as you draw them. Reveal the curse card to all players when drawn. Your turn ends if you draw a curse card.
Discard Turn, Instant and Curse cards immediately after use, unless otherwise specified on the card.
- Handicap rule - If the player in solo last place fails to advance stations on their turn, they draw a card.
- Knockback - If you pass another player on a station during your turn, you can make an additional putt to attempt to knock them back one space. If you miss your putt, you move back one space instead, and your turn is over.
- Consider making the last station extra difficult, and only require one putt to win the game.
- Set up stations with interesting obstacles: low ceiling, straddle putts, elevation, etc.
Don’t like your cards? Swap 2 for 1 (random card) at the start of your turn.
- To speed up the pace of play, the game host may stand by the basket and pass putters back to the players putting.
Feel free to make your own rules! If card rules are unclear, argue amongst yourselves! There are also 3 blank cards included so you can make your own cards.
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